10 November 2022

On 5 November, in conjunction with the Blackheath Rhododendron Festival, the Blackheath Art Society celebrated two groundbreaking events, the first of which was historical. In the years leading up to 1992, a group of Blackheath artists were determined to show their work. They did so from their own homes or in cold, old halls—anywhere really. But they needed a purpose-built building. Some 30 years ago this year, and many cake stalls later—much to the detriment of the waistlines of Blackheathens—such a building arose from the mud on the council-owned block behind the rural fire station. It has become a great studio space and has accommodated many artists over the years. The second celebration is for Expansion, a clay group that makes a lot of mess in the pristine conditions of the studio. The group has kept its kilns in a shipping container on site. Members fire their works in amongst the general art equipment that cannot fit in the studio. Thanks to the New South Wales Government's Community Building Partnership grant and my support, they now have a new shed.