04 May 2016
Ms Trish Doyle (Blue Mountains): I pay tribute to the efforts of the fabulous Blue Mountains Artist Network [BMAN], which held an exhibition entitled "Infinities of Blue" in the New South Wales Parliament Fountain Court throughout March. I was incredibly proud to host the exhibition. The artwork was a reflection of the village life, landscapes, flora and fauna, and architecture of the Blue Mountains. The exhibition successfully showcased our artists and the extent of their responses to our unique environment. The fact that we are in a World Heritage listed area enriches our lives. The exhibition was a celebration of artists in our distinctive region and gave them essential exposure. I congratulate all those artists selected to exhibit their art by BMAN and thank them for their creations. They are: Janet Anderson, Sheryl Anderson, Ian Brown, Linda Callaghan, Roslyn Elms, Mary Greig, Frances Feasey, Adrian Gilbert, Deryn Hahn, Sandra Hockings, Patrick Hromas, Jo Langley, Michiyo Miwa, Bron Newman, Tim Newman, Nevena Nikolic Nowlove, Dirk Romeyn, Selena Seifert, Patricia Smart, Shane Smithers and Beverley Elizabeth Taylor. I thank Graham Tribe and Mary Greig for their collaboration to see this exhibition come to fruition.