21 October 2015

Ms TRISH DOYLE (Blue Mountains): New South Wales Graffiti Removal Day occurred on 18 October. Successive governments have been committed to reducing graffiti vandalism by encouraging local communities to get involved in the removal and prevention of graffiti. Graffiti Removal Day complements existing volunteer graffiti removal programs. It is important to note that all year round, Rotary and incredibly dedicated individuals work with the Blue Mountains City Council, our local police, chambers of commerce, property owners, community groups, businesses, neighbourhood centres and other members of the public to identify, remove and prevent graffiti. Today I honour the dedicated work of fantastic graffiti vandalism eradication activist volunteers across the Blue Mountains who have played a leading and inspiring role for many years. In particular, I thank John Oakey in the lower mountains, Greg Birtles in the mid-mountains, and Tom Colless in the upper mountains.