30 March 2022
Ms TRISH DOYLE (Blue Mountains)—This week I had the pleasure to support the nomination of local community firebrand, Serena Joyner, for the 'Women of the West Awards. Serena is an organised and determined advocate for any issue she turns her hand and mind to, whether it is a large ukulele club and annual festival; or, mobilising action within communities around climate change. She is friendly and inclusive, persistent and calm in approach; she is joyful and optimistic about the future, which is so critical when encouraging people to walk a journey of discovery on climate action or playing a foot-tapping tune. Serena has supported patients and families in shaping better health services in NSW through supporting and amplifying consumer advocates. She is an experienced facilitator with a community engagement focus particularly around the issues community resilience and responses to climate change. Serena is all about bringing people together in empowering and inclusive ways, whether it be through the Blue Mountains Ukele Club or Resilient Blue Mountains, and is passionate about citizen‑led solutions to complex social and environmental problems. Congratulations Serena on your well‑deserved nomination. Your professional, community-minded activism and personal involvement in a range of issues is commendable and worthy of recognition.