21 September 2022

Ms TRISH DOYLE (Blue Mountains)—Today I want to acknowledge the work of William W. Emilsen, Eugene Stockton and the Blue Mountain Education and Research Trust in bringing together a remarkable book, "The Wisdom of Age – Reflections on Growing Old in the Blue Mountains". This book is a collection of stories penned by 24 Blue Mountains residents, aged eighty years or older. It was my great honour to launch this book on Sunday 18th September in Lawson at the Lady of Nativity School. As has been noted: this was an opportunity to sit down with new friends for a conversation about the joys and challenges of being chronologically enriched. With honesty and insight, the contributors offer a mosaic of colour, character and rich life experience (Margaret Reeson). It was my great privilege to acknowledge the truth-telling and wonderment of life that day. Particularly, I want to note my new, treasured friend: 101 year old Elizabeth Mary O'Connor of Leura who is one of the more remarkable people I have ever met. She speaks of her positive attitude: Living in the Blue Mountains has taught me to listen more, laugh more and love more. This is what I mean by 'growth'.