10 November 2016

Ms TRISH DOYLE (Blue Mountains) (13:29): I move:

That this House:

(1)Notes that at noon on 5 May 2016, all Australians were asked to "Remember the 1200@1200", and pause for a minute's silence to honour the 1,209 people who were killed on our roads last year, including 348 people in New South Wales, as part of National Road Safety Week 2016.

(2)Recognises the important work of Safer Australian Roads and Highways [SARAH] Inc. to promote initiatives that will bring about improved road safety and to support those affected by road tragedy, which started as a result of the Hume Highway crash of 15 February 2012 that tragically took the lives of Sarah Frazer and Geoffrey Clark.

(3)Supports the road safety campaigns of SARAH Inc. and National Road Safety Week, and urges all Australians to think about their driving and the responsibility we all share on the roads.

(4)Reflects on the 1,209 who lost their lives on Australia's roads last year and expresses its condolences to all the family and friends whose lives have been changed forever by the loss of those dear to them.

This motion is neither political nor controversial; it is an important and serious issue for the communities represented by every member in this Chamber.